Container Grown Seedlings

Seedlings are available for fall or spring planting.  Dormant seedlings are generally pulled from their tubes in the fall, the root plugs are sealed in plastic bags, and the plants are boxed for shipping.  Plants for spring projects are held in cold storage until planting time.

Seedling Contract Growing Orders (references available)

We welcome contract (or custom) seedling growing orders for native plant projects. We need to arrange these orders before the coming growing season. Please call for pricing. Conditions and deposits can be arranged at the time of the order. Pre-arranged custom grow orders normally receive a discount.


Retail seedling sales

Smaller sales of available seedling stock can be arranged. We do have a minimum seedling order of 50 plants, 10 plants per species. Please inquire for pricing and availability.

Larger containers

We offer custom growing of native plants into larger containers (1, 2, and 5 gallon). We also have large container stock available at our nursery. Please inquire.